Hello everyone! This map doesn't require any addon or modification to work, as it only consist of redstone and commands. Works in any current minecraft version that supports redstone, commands, etc. So, let's explain how does the map works now! 1.-Firstly, get your family, friends, unknown people, dogs, cats or anyone that wanna play with you, to join the map with you. 2.-There are three roles; hunter, hider and game master. Game master is the one who controls what happens in the map, like how much time will hiders have to hide or how much the game will last, etc. Hunters will try to hunt the hiders by killing them and hiders will… hide… obviously. The game must be divided by 75% hiders, 20% hunters and only one game master is allowed per game. 3.-Once everyone knows their role, the game master must go first. Then goes the hiders and last goes the hunters. 4.-After all the players are in their respective lobbies, the game master must communicate with the players...